Wave Saturn by NASA

Join NASA‬ and wave at Saturn‬ between 2:57AM IST and 3:12AM IST on July 20 as the satellite Cassini‬ takes just the third picture of Earth from space! NASA invites you to send in your pictures when you wave at saturn‬ http://bit.ly/waveatsaturn  (Photo: National Aeronautics and Space Administration - NASA)

People were waving at saturn and this image were captured by satellites from the sky
NASA is welcoming the community to look skyward and trend at Saturn and Mercury in what is charged as an interplanetary picture op.The Cassini spacecraft in orbit around Saturn and the Courier art circling Mercury shifted into place Weekend to take images of World, which will appear as a dot.Scientists say the images of World are aspect of a larger attempt to research Saturn's gleaming jewelry and look for for moons around Mercury.It'll take time to procedure the images.

At the time of Friday's Cassini picture capture, Northern The united states will be in sunshine. European countries, the Center Eastern and Main Japan will be lighted in images by Courier on Weekend and Weekend.

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